Sunday Mornings

9:20 AM: U Pick Sunday School, In-person and online

The Squiggle Space will be open from 9:20-10:15 each morning for all kids, as well as the Zoom Room. Sunday School will be a drop-in style, based on relationship building. There will be 1 adult in charge each week. There will be several options (stations) for kids to choose from each week – not ALL each week – but at least 3: A short video lesson, Craft, Art, Story books, Games and Yoga. The zoom link will be sent out via email on Saturday; Email Deb for the link.

Salem Lutheran is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Salem is also a ‘Reconciling in Christ’ (RIC) congregation welcoming into the life and leadership of the congregation people of all sexual orientations and gender Identities.

  • Worship: 9:30 am, in-person and online.The Zoom Room is used for pre-worship gathering at 9:15 am and for Coffee Hour after worship.
    The Zoom Room is used for pre-worship gathering at 9:15 am and for Coffee Hour after worship.  To access click here
    LiveStream is used for the actual worship service starting at 9;30 am. Click here to access the Salem YouTube Channel

Lyndale United Church of Christ is part of the United Church of Christ.  The Lyndale community attempts by God’s grace and our practices, to be a spirited justice seeking, practicing, prayerful, playful, praising, progressive, accessible, open and affirming community in the LynLake neighborhood and beyond.

First Christian Church is part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We believe that God is love and we proclaim and celebrate Jesus Christ as the son of the living God who offers saving grace to all and whose Spirit is at work through us.We believe the body of Christ is not complete until all people are included at the table and we welcome all people without regard to economic status, race, sexual orientation, background or cultural upbringing. We welcome GLBT people into full fellowship and leadership in our church without reservation and is a member of Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance.  No matter where we are in our faith journeys, all are invited to worship, pray, learn, share, play, and minister with us, among us and through us.

  • Adult Ed – seasonal TBA
  • Worship: 10:30 am in-person and online/on-demand. Click here to access our LiveStream channel.